

An outdoor bench in a sleek Nordic design, that provides the opportunity to enjoy the sun, the view and wonderful moments with others.

Feel light like a feather

The design of TimberRest is based on the Zero Gravity principle, so you feel extra comfortable, when you lie in your sun bench.

Space for two or more people

The joy is double the size, when you enjoy it with others. Our outdoor bench has room for two, so you can enjoy the sun with a friend.

Sun or shade?

You choose if you want shade or sun. TimberRest is an outdoor bench that is able to turn 360 degrees.

TimberRest is an outdoor bench for two or more people that turns 360 degrees around itself. The bench is designed based on the principle of Zero Gravity, which means the user gets the sense of being weightless, when they are sitting in it. The sun bench can tilt in three different angles, so the user can decide how far back the bench should be leaned. With its Nordic design TimberRest fits perfectly into green gardens, blue waterfronts and grey urban spaces.

  • Weather resistant
  • Can be mounted to the ground
  • For sale or for rent

L: 1200mm

Sides: Recycled plastic
Screws: Stainless A4 bolts
Frame and foot: Galvanized steel
Wooden slats: Oak/Douglas fir

Danish Oak:
+25 years of durability in Class 3 (DS/EN 413)
Wooden slats in oak on our outdoor furniture

Danish Douglas Fir:
10-15 years of durability in Class 3 (DS/EN 413)
wooden slats in Douglas fir on our social furniture

Let us do the work for you

Maintenance and sustainability goes hand in hand. We produce furniture that lasts long, but you can extend its life by showing it some love every now and then. You can do it yourself or let us do it.

Produktion af byrumsmøbler og sociale møbler, der skaber mere naturligt samvær
TimberChairs på Rådhuspladsen i Fredericia (1)

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