A new take on the classic game of tic tac toe in the same Nordic design as the rest of our furniture. Place it on the playground, the city square or in the park.
Most of us know the rules for tic tac toe and TicTacTimber is therefore easy to access for children and adults.
With two boards in the same piece of furniture it is possible for two groups to play at the same time. Did anyone say tic tac toe tournament?
Just like the other outdoor furniture in our product selection, TicTacTimber is made from quality wood from Danish forests so that it lasts long.
TicTacTimber is a game of tic tac toe for the playground, park or city square. The game is developed in the same design language as our other products and therefor fits well with for instance TimberNest. TicTacTimber also comes in a version with one board instead of two.
L: 2000mm
H: 1600mm
W: 300mm
Sides: Bodex
Screws: Stainless A4 screws
Frame and foot: Galvanized steel
Bricks: Oak
Wooden slats: Oak/Douglas fir
Danish Oak:
+25 years of durability in Class 3 (DS/EN 413)
Danish Douglas Fir:
10-15 years of durability in Class 3 (DS/EN 413)
Maintenance and sustainability goes hand in hand. We produce furniture that lasts long, but you can extend its life by showing it some love every now and then. You can do it yourself or let us do it.
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